The Blog
Smart Phone. Dumb User.
Last week Wiff and I went to Birdland to see Bill Charlap. I would have added “the great…” before his name, but that seems a little overdone. I mean, yeah, he’s great, but do we need to keep saying “the great so and so” whenever we introduce someone great?
Of course, there are people whose names contained the words “The Great.” There was The Great Santini and The Great Gatsby. And all those historical figures: Ivan, Alexander, and Catherine all shared parts of their name but no relation. Charlemagne too; literally “Charles the Great.” I suppose whenever they were introduced it must’ve contained their full epithet.
And what defines greatness these days? I don’t know how or whether greatness these days is different than any other days. And who defines it?
Wiff and I were in Birdland watching the show [which, btw, was great], when I noticed the two children sitting at the table to our left. They were not watching the show. They were watching their phones. The entire time. I only know this, because their phones were as bright as the stage lights, despite illuminating something not half as interesting. [Or great.]
They also didn’t clap. I can forgive not clapping after a musician solos. Maybe they're not part of the jazz cognoscenti and don’t know that one applauds after each musician’s solo, despite the fact that the applause steps on the next musician’s solo. That’s okay.
What’s not okay is not applauding once.
When even come to the show?
They acted like they were in their own private dining hall just killing time while “the entertainment” played.
It got to be so annoying, that I did what any well-mannered jazz show audience member should do: I whipped out my phone so I could take a great picture of them.